Message from the Director



Prof. Daniel Olago, Director ICCA

Prof. Dan Olago, Director ICCA

I warmly welcome you to the Institute and wish you the best time while here with us.

The institute has some training and learning principles. The first principle we follow is called Trans-disciplinary approach. Climate Change and Climate Variability is a new challenge to humanity. It requires new thinking and ways of approach. The challenges posed are new in that we are all learning how best to solve them. Hence everybody contributes to finding solutions and knowledge. This call for application of all knowledge and sciences. The discipline that best captures this methodology is called transdisciplinarity. We shall expose you to this new thinking and we expect you to be experts in it by the time you leave us. The second approach we shall introduce you to is that of writing project concepts and research proposals. We expect you to have finalized the two by the time the semester ends. Again you will be taught about these in your research methods class.

The Institute has a library and a computer lab at your disposal. Most of our teaching materials can be sourced on line, especially the reading resources. We expect you to use the facilities for your maximum benefit. In addition, you will find access to most journals through the library. This will only be available to you once you are a registered student.

The university expects you to finalize payment of fees in a timely manner. Do not expect services without pay. A fully registered student is expected to attend at least 75 percent of the lectures and other assigned teaching activities. We take roll call at each class. Please sign for yourself only. We also expect the highest integrity and honesty in your work. Avoid the temptation to cheat in any of the things you do.

We welcome suggestions from you on the timetable. For us to change a timetable it must be unanimously agreed by all students in class. We shall try our best to accommodate your needs.

The institute’s teaching staff comes from across the university faculties. We also have staff from non university organization. Therefore, know your teacher and inculcate cordial working relations with all of us. Above all, actively be involved in the institute’s activities.

Lastly we hold seminars each Wednesday at which we invite various speakers to talk on critical debates in climate change and adaptation. Attendance at these seminars is a must. We also expect you to contribute.