Prof. Caleb Mireri
Prof. Mireri is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Planning & Management, Kenyatta University having joined the Department as a Tutorial Fellow in 1993. Before joining academics he served as a Physical Planner with the Kenya Government. He is a holder of Dr. phil. (Geography, Economics and Sociology) from the University of Duesseldorf, Germany; Master of Arts in Planning and Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Geography), both from the University of Nairobi. He is a registered and licensed Physical Planner with Physical Planners Registration Board, Kenya. He is also a Corporate Member of Kenya Institute of Planners. In addition, he is a registered and licensed Lead EIA expert with Kenya’s National Environment Management Authority. He has experience in working for the Kenya Government, the private sector, international agencies including UN as well as local and international NGOs. He has work experience in most parts of Kenya as well as Uganda and Tanzania. His work experience include policy analysis, policy preparation, project evaluation, as well as preparation of spatial plans, integrated plans, environmental management plans, strategic plans and local level action plans. Prof. Mireri is actively engaged in research evidenced by publications in refereed journals and books on topical issues, especially planning, environmental management and natural resources management. He has also served as Chief Examiner for Physical Planners Registration Board (professional examination), External Examiner of Nairobi, Moi, Maseno, Pwani, Eldoret and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Universities.