African Research Universities Alliance Research Workshop held at Calder’s Hotel & Conference Centre, 1 Recreation Rd, Fish Hoek, Cape Town from 17- 21 February 2020.

February 17, 7:48 pm

 Calder’s  Hotel & Conference Centre, 1 Recreation Rd, Fish Hoek, Cape Town

The Institute for Climate change and Adaptation was appointed as the center for excellence for Climate and Development under the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA).  To facilitate the University participation in the network, Dr. Gildert Ouma, Dr. George Outa, and Ms. Rosemary Barasa were invited to attend African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Research Partnership Inception meeting held at Cape Town South Africa from 17- 21 February 2020.

The purpose of the workshop is to agree on activities for this year for United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)-funded collaborative project and to develop a five-year strategy for the African Research Universities Alliance – Climate and Development (ARUA-CD) Centre of Excellence.


 Calder’s  Hotel & Conference Centre, 1 Recreation Rd, Fish Hoek, Cape Town