
The Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) and the University Advancement & Institutional Development have opened the first edition of the African Summer School on Climate Change and Adaptation for undergraduate/Bachelor’s students in Science, Technology, and…

The Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation is partnering with Climate Analytics to deliver a webinar on climate impact tools, action tracker, and their uptake.

It is a great pleasure to invite you to a webinar series “From Infrastructure to Development Corridors”, organized by the Development Corridors Partnership (DCP…

The Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation Research Support Group (ICCA-RSG) and the Climate Change and Sustainability Basics (CC&SB) Society of Kenya will host a free training this Thursday 24th June 2021 from 2:00…

The University of Nairobi , represented by the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) in Collaboration with the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence in Climate and Development (ARUA-CD) Project will be hosting an online workshop which will be…

As part of celebrating UON@50, the College of Biological and Physical Sciences (CBPS) plans to recognize and showcase cutting-edge research and innovation by its students, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The research and/or innovations must be considered to be…

he 21st Gender Summit will take place on-line on 14-16 April. It will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Gender Summit platform. To celebrate, the Elsevier Foundation prepared a story…

Dr Catherine Sang a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation, will be presenting about " Preliminary assessment of water resources in the SGR corridor: Impacts and options at the InterSol Annual Conference on April 12 & 13, from 08.00…


Prof. Rob Hope Biography

Prof. Dan Olago, ICCA Water, Environment, and Ecosystem Coordinator participated in the policy dialogue webinar that was held on Monday 11, May 2020. The conversation and learning were about what’s going on in the Lake basin and even beyond.

See; Below is the Webinar Plan …