COVID-19 Impacts on Water Burden among Households in Turkana. Kenya Policy Briefs January 2021

Volume 2 No. 1 and riverbeds are considered meeting points. There are usually small crowds when people go to fetch water or take animals to drink. From observation, many of the water points are sometimes crowded, social distancing is not observed, and people do not wear masks. This complacency could be due to social relations among the locals, being unaware of threats and risks of COVID-19, and the unaffordability of masks.

Co-production in African Weather and Climate Services. Manual, Cape Town: Future Climate for Africa and Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa

WISER The Weather and Climate Services for Africa (WISER) programme’s mission is to deliver transformational change in the quality, accessibility and use of weather and climate information services at all levels of decision-making for sustainable development in Africa.